Watch Dr Nayana Shah’s Golden Rule Day Talk

On Golden Rule Day, 5th April 2024, Dr Nayana Shah gave a talk at the Charter for Compassion’s Golden Rule Day celebration. Her talk, “Alice’s Adventures in the Golden Rule Land” was jointly hosted by the Animal Interfaith Alliance and the Interfaith Vegan Coalition. It can be viewed here.

Dr Nayana Shah is an international scientist – a theoretical quantum physicist – dedicated to living a conscious, compassionate and creative life illuminated by a constant inquiry of truth. In this video, you can join her in a journey of inquiry as she explores the Golden Rule inside out and outside in. Bring your curiosity and open mind and be prepared to go down a rabbit hole!  Dr Shah is a trustee of the Parliament of the World’s Religions and a patron of the Animal Interfaith Alliance.

The Charter for Compassion was founded in 2009 by the acclaimed scholar and bestselling author, Karen Armstrong. Its vision is a world where all life flourishes with compassion.

All the Charter for Compassion Golden Rule Day talks were recorded and can be viewed here.

Golden Rule Day – 5th April 2024

Treat others, the Animals and the Earth as you wish to be treated.

Each year, on Golden Rule day, 5th April, the Charter for Compassion celebrates the occasion with a day of presentations and webinars, which can be viewed here. This year AIA is sponsoring two exciting Golden Rule Day events, “Alice’s Adventures in the Golden Rule Land” and “Golden Rule Videos” – please see below. 

Please join us and prepare to be inspired!

Alice’s Adventures in the Golden Rule Land
Speaker – Dr Nayana Shah

Presented by the Animal Interfaith Alliance & the Interfaith Vegan Coalition

5.00pm BST

Dr Nayana Shah is an international scientist – a theoretical quantum physicist – dedicated to living a conscious, compassionate and creative life illuminated by a constant inquiry of truth. Join her in a journey of inquiry as she explores the Golden Rule inside out and outside in. Bring your curiosity and open mind and be prepared to go down a rabbit hole!  Dr Shah is a trustee of the Parliament of the World’s Religions and a patron of the Animal Interfaith Alliance.

Details and registration – here

Extending the Golden Rule to All Beings

Presented by the Animal Interfaith Alliance and Veganism in Education

The Golden Rule Song
Spirited Arts Competition 2023 – “All God’s Creatures?”

Details and registration – here

Introduction to Animal Rights from a Faith Perspective:

New Insights into Animal Agriculture

Report by Virginia Bell, Founder of

Catholic Action for Animals

A Webinar, presented by Catholic Action for Animals and hosted by the Animal Interfaith Alliance, in collaboration with the Diocese of Salford, the Laudato Si’ Action Platform, Climate Healers, Born Vegan and In Defense of Animals, took place on Thursday 21st March 2024. The recording is above.

Barbara Gardner from Animal Interfaith Alliance  welcomed everyone and introduced the Speakers. Barbara is the founder and Chief Executive of the Animal Interfaith Alliance. 

The first to speak was Bishop John Arnold, the lead bishop on environmental matters in the UK. He opened the webinar by reminding us of the urgent importance of prayer, discussion and action by every one of us, to tackle the environmental crises.

He was followed by Sailesh Rao, who spoke on the planetary harm of animal agriculture, which he claims is responsible for at least 87% of greenhouse gas emissions annually, in addition to being the leading cause of species extinctions, ocean dead zones and myriad other environmental ills.

Next was Sarina Farb, who spoke on the environmental and health benefits of a plant-based diet. Sarina focuses on empowering individuals to think critically, to see past corporate propaganda, and to live ethically. 

Then Lisa Levinson from In Defense of Animals presented and spoke on the short video made by Dr Jane Goodall, on the subject of the folly of offering animals as gifts for poor people overseas. In the video, Jane urges aid charities to end animal gifting programmes, which hurt gift recipients by burdening them with more mouths to feed in areas where food and water are often scarce, and by undermining sustainable development.

Daniel Mascarenhas SJ, a Jesuit from the US spoke on the Biblical imperative for caring for animal rights, a concept found in the Old Testament narratives that describe laws for animal welfare.

Next to speak was Maureen Villanueva, who presented the Laudato Si’ Action Platform, an initiative of the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development that equips institutions, communities, and families to take practical steps towards total sustainability in the spirit of integral ecology.

Last was Virginia Bell from Catholic Action for Animals, who summed up with the question “How can we take what we have learned to our parish, diocese and community?”

BISHOP JOHN ARNOLD Bishop John is the Bishop of Salford, a member of the Bishops’ Conference for England and Wales Department for International Affairs, and is Bishops’ Conference spokesperson on the Environment. Inspired by Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si’, which calls on “every person living on this planet” to care for our shared earth, Bishop John spends much of his time encouraging consciousness about the environmental crises among Catholics in the UK, inspiring them to make practical responses to deal with the crises. He leads the Guardians of Creation initiative in Salford Diocese, which offers guidance and resources to help the Catholic Church tackle the environmental crises, and he has transformed his home, Wardley Hall, into the Laudato Si’ Centre.

Barbara Gardner was awarded the RSPCA’s Queen Victoria Silver Medal for long & meritorious service for animal welfare.  She has been the Editor of Catholic Concern for Animals’ magazine The Ark and Animal Interfaith Alliance’s magazine Animal Spirit. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales.
In this webinar, shared through the Laudato Si’ Action Platform, we are proud to present SAILESH RAO Dr Sailesh Rao is the Founder and Executive Director of Climate Healers, a non-profit organisation dedicated towards healing the Earth’s climate. He is an environmentalist by occupation and systems engineer by profession. He invented the protocol for transforming early analog internet connections to more robust digital connections, while accelerating their speed ten-fold. 

SARINA FARB is a vegan educator, TEDx speaker, and lecturer on ethical and sustainable living. As a former science teacher and lifelong vegan, Sarina’s projects include creating content for her Born Vegan platform, hosting the Science is Gray Podcast, co-founding and leading the annual International Vegan Earth Day March, and touring the country in her vegan van giving lectures and workshops on ethical and sustainable living.

DR. JANE GOODALL  produced a video for our colleagues in the Interfaith Vegan Coalition, which Lisa Levinson showed. Jane is a world-famous Ethologist and Conservationist and campaigns for the environment. 

LISA LEVINSON is the Campaigns Director for In Defense of Animals, an international animal protection non-profit organisation with 250,000 supporters worldwide. Lisa founded Vegan Spirituality to explore veganism as a spiritual practice, and co-founded the Interfaith Vegan Coalition to provide resources for faith-based vegan advocacy.

DANIEL MASCARENHAS SJ is a Jesuit scholastic working on his Masters of Divinity degree at Boston College. As part of his formation towards the priesthood, he has worked with people with intellectual disabilities at L’Arche, taught Math and Theology to high school students, and studied philosophy at Saint Louis University.

MAUREEN VILLANUEVA is part of the Laudato Si´ Movement Team as the Engagement Manager for Special Projects and provides support in the Laudato Si Action Platform to individuals and institutions.
The Platform synthesises knowledge from all walks of life and all corners of the earth, creating a shared community of people developing bold and active responses to the ecological crisis with urgent and ambitious changes in how we live. By enrolling, participants are invited to create a Laudato Si ´ Plan to make progress within the seven Laudato Si ́ Goals as a profound act of care in response to our global environmental crisis.

VIRGINIA BELL  is the founder of Catholic Action for Animals and has campaigned for decades to bring the natural environment and the treatment of animals into the conscious life of the Catholic Church, both at a local parish level and with the Church at large. She is part of the Laudato Si’ Animators’ Network in the UK.
“We are a generation that is facing great challenges but also many opportunities. In environmental concerns, we have so much evidence of climate change events that are affecting all continents and the oceans, destroying biodiversity, disrupting agriculture, and warming our world to a point where irreparable damage will soon be done. But, at the same time, we have the knowledge and the means to repair the damage and secure our common home for future generations. Many of the necessary changes lie in establishing a healthy balance in agricultural methods, reducing our consumption of meat, making more productive use of agricultural land and avoiding any further deforestation. This webinar for Catholics on animal agriculture will provide sound reasoning on what needs to be done with urgency if we are to care responsibly for our common home and our brothers and sisters in our global family.” Bishop John Arnold
“I’m excited to be speaking at the Webinar on animal rights from a faith perspective hosted by Catholic Action for Animals. It is thrilling that the mainstream faith community has taken up this urgent cause so that we can effect a grassroots transformation from a climate heating civilization founded on animal agriculture to a climate healing civilization founded on vegan ethics” Sailesh Rao 
“The time is more pressing than ever that we as individuals all consider how our daily food choices and actions impact the environment and planet we share, as well as the other beings we share this planet with. If we have a choice, and one choice causes suffering and death to innocent beings, and the other choices allows us to live happier and healthier lives without harming others, we cannot justify continuing to kill and eat animals for what are essentially selfish reason. We must all learn the power of veganism and plant-based diets to heal ourselves, our relationship with nature, and our broken relationship with the animals we share this world with. When we begin to align our daily actions with our professed values of peace and justice, only then can we begin to transform the world to one with peace and dignity for all beings” Sarina Farb
“In Defense of Animals’ Interfaith Vegan Coalition is honored to speak against the insidious practice of animal gifting. We enlisted Dr. Jane Goodall to join our efforts in collaboration with the Animal Save Movement to replace animal gifts that promote animal suffering and exacerbate negative climate impacts with sustainable plant-based gifts that are an essential part of the climate solution.” Lisa Levinson
“I wonder what St. Francis of Assisi would think about our treatment of animals” Virginia Bell 
“In the beginning, when God created and declared everything good, God gave humans plants to eat. At the end of time, when God’s peaceable kingdom will reign, humans and animals will live peacefully with each other as prophesied by Isaiah. And in the present, when Jesus has inaugurated God’s kingdom on earth, we are invited to be kind and compassionate to all, loving our neighbor as ourselves.  Knowing God’s plans through Scripture, and loving God through our faith make certain claims on our lifestyle. Consequently, we can reflect on how our lives honor God’s hopes for humans and creation” Daniel Mascarenhas SJ

Let us reflect on our shared responsibility towards creation, especially for those most vulnerable. Our faith calls us to action for a sustainable and compassionate world “hearing both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor” LS 49. Through the Laudato Si´ Action Platform, we can integrate a plan toward this purpose, joining a global community in the care of creation” Maureen Villanueva

UNEP’s Faith for Earth launches ‘Al Mizan: A Covenant for the Earth’

The United Nations Environment Programme’s Faith for Earth Coalition launched its ground-breaking new document Al Mizan at the UN Environment Assembly, UNEA-6 on 27th February 2024 in Nairobi, Kenya.

Al Mizan: A Covenant for the Earth is the Islamic sibling to Laudato Si’, written by Islamic scholars and chaired the Faith for Earth director, Dr Iyad Abumoghli. Meaning ‘The Balance’, Al Mizan presents the Islamic outlook on the environment.

The Animal Interfaith Alliance welcomes this far-sighted document which is spiritual, scientific and modern, and also easily accessible and understandable.  We are particularly delighted by the positive language about animals, especially the quote that “all created beings have rights“. There are many references to animal rights throughout Al Mizan. Sections include “‘Value Inherent in Creation”, “A beautiful Exemplar: A Mercy to All Beings” and “Animal Welfare and Animal Rights”.

Al Mizan acknowledges the fact that industrial farming is a direct cause of pollution, climate change and loss of biodiversity. The argument for the nexus between animal rights and the environment is clearly made:

5.9 “Some kinds of farming, some kinds of ranching, and some kinds of hunting are far more wasteful of life and far more destructive of the fabric of life on Earth than other kinds. Most destructive, most wasteful by far are industrial farms that poison the soil, air and water, that replace the diversity of native plants with sterile monocultures, industrial livestock production facilities, such as poultry farms, feedlots, slaughterhouses, and dairies, and industrial fisheries – trawlers with vast nets that scrape the seabed and aquaculture systems that replace thriving coastal and freshwater ecosystems with festering sources of contamination. Industrial agriculture, as practiced today, is perhaps the single greatest factor effacing the diversity of life on Earth, and the gravest agent of global climate change. Is this not the quintessence of ifsad fi ‘l-ard, causing corruption, destruction, degradation and desecration in the Earth?”

The full document can be read here.

For further information go to and

The Animal Interfaith Alliance is a UNEP accredited organisation and a member of UNEP’s Faith for Earth Coalition.

Introduction to Animal Rights from a Faith Perspective: New Insights into Animal Agriculture

Image by Hans at Pixabay


Presented by

Catholic Action for Animals

Thursday 21st March 2024 at 6pm GMT

Hosted by the Animal Interfaith Alliance in collaboration with the Diocese of Salford, the Laudato Si’ Action Platform, Climate Healers, Born Vegan and In Defense of Animals.

Introduction by Bishop John Arnold

On 21st March 2024 Catholic Action for Animals will be presenting a webinar entitled “Introduction to Animal Rights from a Faith Perspective: New Insights into Animal Agriculture”

Joining us will be Bishop John Arnold, the lead bishop on environmental matters in the UK, who will open the webinar by reminding us of the urgent importance of prayer, discussion and action by every one of us, to tackle the environmental crises.

Barbara Gardner from Animal Interfaith Alliance will welcome participants and introduce the speakers.

The Invitation

In this webinar, shared through the Laudato Si’ Action Platform Team, we are proud to present Sailesh Rao who will be speaking on the planetary harm of animal agriculture, which he claims is responsible for at least 87% of greenhouse gas emissions annually, in addition to being the leading cause of species extinctions, ocean dead zones and myriad other environmental ills.

We are also privileged to have Sarina Farb, who will speak on the environmental and health benefits of a plant-based diet. Sarina focuses on empowering individuals to think critically, to see past corporate propaganda, and to live ethically. 

Lisa Levinson from In Defence of Animals will be presenting and speaking on a short video made by Dr Jane Goodall, on the subject of the folly of offering animals as gifts for poor people overseas. In the video, Jane urges aid charities to end animal gifting programmes, which hurt gift recipients by burdening them with more mouths to feed in areas where food and water are often scarce, and by undermining sustainable development.

Daniel Mascarenhas, a Jesuit from the US, will speak on the Biblical imperative for promoting animal rights, a concept appreciated by the Old Testament Jewish nation which had laws to protect animals.

Maureen Villanueva will present the Laudato Si’ Action Platform, an initiative of the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development that equips institutions, communities, and families to take practical steps towards total sustainability in the spirit of integral ecology. The Platform synthesises knowledge from all walks of life and all corners of the earth, creating a shared community of people developing bold and active responses to the ecological crisis with urgent and ambitious changes in how we live. By enrolling participants are invited to create a Laudato Si ´ Plan to make progress within the seven Laudato Si ́ Goals as a profound act of care in response to our global environmental crisis.

Virginia Bell from Catholic Action for Animals will sum up with the question “How can we take what we have learned to our parish, diocese and community?”

To register for the webinar and to receive a zoom link please email Barbara Gardner at

 The Speakers

BISHOP JOHN ARNOLD Bishop John is the Bishop of Salford, a member of the Bishops’ Conference for England and Wales Department for International Affairs, and is Bishops’ Conference spokesperson on the Environment.

Inspired by Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato Si’, which calls on “every person living on this planet” to care for our shared earth, Bishop John spends much of his time encouraging consciousness about the environmental crises among Catholics in the UK, inspiring them to make practical responses to deal with the crises. He leads the Guardians of Creation initiative in Salford Diocese, which offers guidance and resources to help the Catholic Church tackle the environmental crises, and he has transformed his home, Wardley Hall, into the Laudato Si’ Centre.

BARBARA GARDNER Barbara is the founder and Chief Executive of the Animal Interfaith Alliance.  She was awarded the RSPCA’s Queen Victoria Silver Medal for long & meritorious service for animal welfare.  She has been the Editor of Catholic Concern for Animals’ magazine The Ark and the Animal Interfaith Alliance’s magazine Animal Spirit. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales.

SAILESH RAO Dr Sailesh Rao is the Founder and Executive Director of Climate Healers, a non-profit organisation dedicated towards healing the Earth’s climate. He is an environmentalist by occupation and systems engineer by profession. He invented the protocol for transforming early analog internet connections to more robust digital connections, while accelerating their speed ten-fold.

SARINA FARB Sarina is a vegan educator, TEDx speaker, and lecturer on ethical and sustainable living. As a former science teacher and lifelong vegan, Sarina’s projects include creating content for her Born Vegan platform, hosting the Science is Gray Podcast, co-founding and leading the annual International Vegan Earth Day March, and touring the country in her vegan van giving lectures and workshops on ethical and sustainable living.

Not attending in person due to work commitments, DR. JANE GOODALL has produced a video for our colleagues in the Interfaith Vegan Coalition, which LISA LEVINSON will be showing. Jane is a world-famous Ethologist and Conservationist and campaigns for the environment.

LISA LEVINSON Lisa is the Campaigns Director for In Defense of Animals, an international animal protection non-profit organization with 250,000 supporters worldwide. Lisa founded Vegan Spirituality, a mutual support group which explores veganism as a spiritual practice, and co-founded the Interfaith Vegan Coalition to provide resources for faith-based vegan advocacy.

DANIEL MASCARENHAS SJ Daniel is a Jesuit scholastic working on his Masters of Divinity degree at Boston College. As part of his formation towards the priesthood, he has worked with people with intellectual disabilities at L’Arche, taught Math and Theology to high school students, and studied philosophy at Saint Louis University.

MAUREEN VILLANUEVA, Maureen is part of the Laudato Si´ Movement Team as the Engagement Manager for Special Projects and provides support in the Laudato Si Action Platform to individuals and institutions.

VIRGINIA BELL Virginia is the founder of Catholic Action for Animals and has campaigned for decades to bring the natural environment and the treatment of animals into the conscious life of the Catholic Church, both at a local parish level and with the Church at large. She is part of the Laudato Si’ Animators’ Network in the UK.

For media enquiries, please contact Virginia Bell at

CCARL Essay Competition

The Cambridge Centre for Animal Rights Law organises an annual essay competition in the field of animal rights law. The aim of this competition is to encourage students to explore the fascinating questions that animals rights raise, and to discuss these questions in an original piece of writing that may inspire them to engage further with the topic in the future.

Our Essay Competition is made possible through the generous support of our donors: lead sponsor is the Jeremy Coller Foundation, the prizes are sponsored by the International Society for Animal Rights (ISAR), and additional sponsorship for the Centre is by the Brooks Institute for Animal Rights Law & Policy.

Essay Competition 2024 (now open)

The Cambridge Centre for Animal Rights Law is pleased to announce its fourth Animal Rights Law Essay Competition. This year, we are inviting essays on the title:

“Whether autonomous, nonhuman animals have rights that ought to be ‘recognized by law’ is precisely the question [courts] are called upon to answer … The immensity of that question does not place it exclusively within the domain of the legislature”. Discuss

Taken from the judgement of Judge Jenny Rivera, New York Court of Appeals, in Nonhuman Rights Project (Happy) v James Breheny, No 52, 14 June 2022

The competition has two categories: one for university students and one for secondary school (high school) students.

University students

This category is for anyone who has started or completed an undergraduate or postgraduate degree programme but who has not completed a doctoral degree. We welcome essays that are not longer than 3,000 words (including footnotes but excluding bibliography). Three prizes will be awarded in this section. The winning essay will be awarded £750, £500 will go to the second place, and £250 to the third-place winner. Entrants can approach the essay question from various perspectives and are not limited to a legal perspective, but entries must address the question. Only one entry is permitted per person.

The deadline for submissions is 4 March 2024. Please submit your essay (and a summary up to 500 words of your biographical/educational details) here.

Secondary school students

This category is for anyone who has not started an undergraduate degree at a university (ie anyone who is at high school, college, or similar). We welcome essays that are not longer than 1,000 words. A Winning Commendation and up to two Special Commendations will be sent to the winners in this category, and prizes of £250 will be sent to the winners’ schools. Entrants can approach the essay question from various perspectives and are not limited to a legal perspective, but entries must address the question (hint: the question could be answered by exploring the appropriate place – courts or legislature – for law reform). Only one entry is permitted per person.

The deadline for submissions is 4 March 2024. Please submit your essay (and a brief summary of your background/educational details (up to 200 words) and contact details of your school and Teacher/Head Teacher) here.

The winners will be announced by early-April 2024. Winning entries will be uploaded to our website.

Full details here:

Event – Ethical Veganism: A New Worldview in Religious Education?

Goldsmiths University – Faiths & Civil Society Unit


Ethical Veganism: A New Worldview in Religious Education?

Thursday 18th January 2024, 5.00pm-7.00pm GMT – Online Event

Book online here

Organised by the Faiths and Civil Society Unit, based at Goldsmiths, University of London, this event brings together education experts, researchers, RE advisors, and practitioners, to explore the introduction of Ethical Veganism as a ‘worldview’ within the RE curriculum. By examining its ties with diverse religious and non-religious perspectives, the event investigates in what ways Ethical Veganism can be understood as a ‘worldview’ in light of recent proposals for Religion & Worldviews by the RE Council for England & Wales. Introducing the VinE initiative and some of its educational resources and practices, its founders reflect on their motivations for coming together and how they envisage their initiative to encourage compassionate, ethically informed, and responsible citizens. The event invites critical reflections by RE and education experts on the pedagogical opportunities and challenges of Ethical Veganism in RE within the broader debates concerning worldview literacy and citizenship.

Image credit: Joude, Age 6, ‘Take Care of the World’, NATRE Spirited Arts, 2023


· Angela Hill, National Religious Education Adviser at RE Today and Editor of RE Today Magazine

· Michelle St John, Retired Barrister and Founder of Veganism in Education (VinE)

· Barbara Gardner, Retired Chartered Accountant and Founder & CEO of the Animal Interfaith Alliance (AIA)

· Jennifer Harding-Richards, RVE Adviser Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire, Swansea

· Dr Martha Shaw, Associate Professor, School of Law and Social Sciences, London South Bank University

· Alexis Stones, PGCE RE Subject Lead, UCL; museum educator at National Gallery & Wallace Collection, London 

· Dr Heather Marshall, PGCE Secondary Religion Education with QTS* Course Leader, Edge Hill University

Event – Ethical Veganism: A New Worldview in Religious Education?

Goldsmiths University – Faiths & Civil Society Unit


Ethical Veganism: A New Worldview in Religious Education?

Thursday 18th January 2024, 5.00pm-7.00pm GMT – Online Event

Book online here

Organised by the Faiths and Civil Society Unit, based at Goldsmiths, University of London, this event brings together education experts, researchers, RE advisors, and practitioners, to explore the introduction of Ethical Veganism as a ‘worldview’ within the RE curriculum. By examining its ties with diverse religious and non-religious perspectives, the event investigates in what ways Ethical Veganism can be understood as a ‘worldview’ in light of recent proposals for Religion & Worldviews by the RE Council for England & Wales. Introducing the VinE initiative and some of its educational resources and practices, its founders reflect on their motivations for coming together and how they envisage their initiative to encourage compassionate, ethically informed, and responsible citizens. The event invites critical reflections by RE and education experts on the pedagogical opportunities and challenges of Ethical Veganism in RE within the broader debates concerning worldview literacy and citizenship.

Image credit: Joude, Age 6, ‘Take Care of the World’, NATRE Spirited Arts, 2023


· Angela Hill, National Religious Education Adviser at RE Today and Editor of RE Today Magazine

· Michelle St John, Retired Barrister and Founder of Veganism in Education (VinE)

· Barbara Gardner, Founder and CEO of the Animal Interfaith Alliance (AIA)

· Jennifer Harding-Richards, RVE Adviser Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire, Swansea

· Dr Martha Shaw, Associate Professor, School of Law and Social Sciences, London South Bank University

· Alexis Stones, PGCE RE Subject Lead, UCL; museum educator at National Gallery & Wallace Collection, London 

· Dr Heather Marshall, PGCE Secondary Religion Education with QTS* Course Leader, Edge Hill University

Article – Jews and Muslims Should Start Talking Again by Sharing a Vegan Meal Together

Article by Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz

Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz is a rabbi who seeks to do interfaith and social-justice work. He is the President & Dean of the Valley Beit Midrash (Jewish pluralistic adult learning & leadership), the Founder & President of Uri L’Tzedek (Jewish Social Justice), the Founder and CEO of Shamayim (Jewish animal advocacy), the Founder and President of YATOM, (Jewish foster and adoption network), and the author of 22 books on Jewish ethics. 

In his article, in The Times of Israel, Rabbi Yanklowitz talks about how healing can begin between Muslims and Jews by sharing vegan food together. This excellent and important article can be read here.

Picture aboveA Jew and a Muslim playing chess in 13th century al-Andalus. El Libro de los Juegos, commissioned by Alphonse X of Castile, 13th century. (Wikimedia Commons)